Saturday, May 23, 2015

Lucky with lupins

 Lupins - love 'em! I've had good luck growing them over the past several years. Because I know some gardeners have difficulty with them, I want to share a few tips.  I grow mine from seed - I think these are a type called 'Tutti Frutti.'

They like acidic soil. If I remember, I will add sulfur or aluminum sulfate to the soil when planting since my soil pH is neutral to basic.

Once planted, they do not like to be transplanted.

Lupins are short-lived perennials, thus I plant more every year. This year I planted 50 'Tutti Frutti' seeds - and I spread them throughout the gardens.

Allowing lupins to go to seed may shorten the life of the plant, so I don't allow mine to go to seed.

 This lupin is a volunteer. Notice it looks a little different in its form; I think it's probably a Russell hybrid.

Give lupins a try! What have you got to lose???

And also starring in my late May garden:

 I'd never seen a pink fuchsia before. Fuchsias are hummingbird magnets, so of course I had to get this and hang it below the deck.

 Several clematis are blooming. This one is so pretty! I don't know the name of it; I had ordered 'Louise Rowe' but this isn't it...I like it any way.

 Many peonies are blooming in our area now. I have six peonies, two of which are blooming now. This one is 'Star Power.'

 Here is tree peony 'Goldfinch.'

 This delicate little rose has started to bloom.

 Allium 'Christophii' has unusual form.

 Heuchera 'Lipstick' is a favorite of mine. In the background, upper left, is one of my tiarellas.

 Clematis 'Multi Blue'

 I've had several iris blooming. Here's a lovely white one, name not known.

 Gardening isn't all that I do....I bake once in awhile too....doesn't the pie look lovely? It's lemon meringue, ready for Sunday lunch with the family!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Such a beautiful season!

Things are changing daily in the gardens. Such a beautiful season of the year!

 The little dogwood tree is still blooming beautifully. I've placed potted water lilies in the pond and eagerly await the lily pads and blooms on the water's surface.

 We added two new rain barrels this year, bringing our total to four. These will hold 220 gallons of water, useful for adding water to the pond as needed and for watering the garden.

 The kitchen garden/potager/raised beds are coming to life. Tomatoes still not planted...waiting till Mother's Day.

 A very nice stand of Virginia bluebells

 Primula Sieboldii is blooming in two areas of the garden.

 The hosta farm is filling in nicely.

 Color contrast: a tiny Japanese maple amongst the hostas ('Geisha Gone Wild')

 Solomon's Seal, a gift from Larry's garden - beautiful in the shady areas


 Clematis 'Duchess of Edinburgh' looks so full of buds! This clematis was a very slow starter. I think it's five years old now and it didn't bloom the first three years. It's lucky that I'm a patient person! lol

Lathyrus vernus, another gift from Larry
He's been very generous in sharing knowledge and plants with me!

The lilies have come up and will bloom soon, as will the iris. The perennial geraniums are about to bloom as well. There's something to look forward to every day as I walk about the gardens!


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