I did take a little walk through the gardens, though; here you see iris, allium, and honeysuckle.
The lupines are beginning to bloom. They're one of my favorite flowers.
In the background, lettuce and radishes grow in one of my raised beds.
A fairy garden in progress...
Clematis 'Nelly Moser' is filled with blooms!
'Multi Blue' also is blooming profusesly.
I have a few angels in my garden. I adore them.
On the potting bench, a few items from our trip to the hosta farm that are waiting for the rain to stop so they can be planted. My next post will be about the hosta farm. Stop by Thursday and see.
In the meantime, back to tea. I think you'll agree that the garden would be a lovely place to take tea, provided the weather is cooperating.
Today we'll have tea inside, though.
The cup and saucer are unmarked.
The floral cream and sugar belonged to my mother-in-law.
The creamer and sugar were made by the Edwin M. Knowles China Company. The numbers "36-6" indicate the year (1936) and month (June) produced.
I just took this homemade rhubarb pie out of the oven. Would you like a slice with your tea?
Today I'm linking to Tea in the garden, Tea Time Tuesday, and Tuesday Cuppa Tea