Normally I shop thrift stores, but some of the antique store finds were quite reasonably priced. For example, I got the lovely teacup below for just $6.00.
"From Sea to Sea" is part of the Canada series made by Royal Albert. It features maple leaves and a Canadian flag.
The handle has an interesting shape.
Maple leaves grace the inside of the cup as well.
I set up my tea tray this morning, carrying out the autumn leaves theme.
A slice of pumpkin bread went well with my Chai Spice tea (by Stash). (Tea recommendation of Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage)
I tried to find information on my teacup, but about all I could find is that it is a discontinued pattern. If anyone has any info to share, I'd appreciate hearing it.
I hope that my Canadian friends enjoyed seeing this teacup in their honor, and want to wish you an early Happy Thanksgiving.
Linking to Tea Time Tuesday, Friends Sharing Tea, A Return to Loveliness, Teacup Tuesday and Teacup Tuesday