Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A walk in the garden

Spring has definitely arrived, although the possibility of cold, even frost, still exists. Therefore, no annuals purchased or planted yet here, although the self-sowing annuals are up and I've planted some seeds as well.

This morning I took a walk with the camera and here's some of what I saw.

 Our redbud tree in the front yard

 Another pretty tree is the flowering crabapple in back ('Prairie Fire')

 Lilacs in back, adjacent to the "hosta farm."

 Tortie put on a little show for me, climbing the lilac while I was out taking pictures.

 An old-fashioned lilac that I dug a sprout of from my neighbors years ago.

 Lilac 'Sensation'

 I'm glad to say that the fairies have arrived.

 This fairy garden is new this year.

 My "old" fairy garden, with the house built on a stump. Do you see the little birdhouse in the tree on the upper left?

 Tiarella 'Spring Symphony' is looking pretty.

Virginia Bluebells are just beginning to bloom. They have multiplied rapidly and I have some to dig and share if you are in the area.

The secret to success with Virginia bluebells is soil like the forest floor. They appreciate leaf mold, and humusy, moist soil.

 Epimedium 'Rubrum'

 Primula Sieboldii is about to bloom.

The tulips are still blooming, and I have a many pretty daffodils in bloom as well.

I enjoyed my garden walk, and hope you did too. Have a good week!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's all about the tulips!

 This time of year, for me it's all about the tulips.

 Pretty blush pink tulips in my gardens

 There are quite a few tulips down by the potting shed, in a garden room I call Daylily Junction.

 How many tulips do I have? Well, probably 100 or so. Most of these are either what Breck's sold as "perennial tulips," or Darwin type tulips. If you've grown tulips you are likely aware that tulips are not reliable year after year. Thus, I've tried to plant these that are supposed to last longer. Good luck with the Breck's collection - I think they've been there 5 or 6 years. The Darwin tulips were planted the fall of 2013 so they haven't been well-tested yet.

 In Pella, Iowa, Home of Tulip Time, the tulip bulbs are pulled after blooming and new bulbs are planted every fall. For an event like Tulip Time, you must have gorgeous, reliable blooms. They also have a lot of fancy tulips. We were in Pella today to see the tulips and enjoy lunch and shopping. Here is my favorite bed from the central park in downtown Pella.

 Love these tulips too, although I've never grown any like this. They kind of remind me of peonies.

 Oh, look at this color!

 Another pretty color combination

 This sidewalk in central park is lined with various tulip varieties and colors. So pretty!

 Spectacular color and form!

 Pink in the garden - definitely a favorite of mine

 Tulips behind the Historical Society museum

The same location a few years ago

 Me and my friend Marilee posing in front of the posies

 Three of us traveled to Pella. Here I am with my friend Jeri, posing in front of the Tulip Tea Room.

I just love the lace curtains and the tulip topiaries - and the FOOD - at the Tulip Tea Room.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Time to Garden!

Ah, spring! The boredom that affects me when it's cold and I can't be outside is gone. Now, there is plenty to look at and plenty to do.

Our own little babbling brook, looking better as plants begin to come up around it. There is a lot of planting I need to do around the stream and pond. Many plants were removed last year for the creation of the waterfall, stream, pond, courtyard and pergola. Some that were relocated will come back; others will stay where they are now. I would like this area to be very colorful and thus will be adding zinnias and coreopsis and daisies.

Love the sound of the trickling water. Last night we left our bedroom window open and we could hear it. Very peaceful.

 Tortie, the outside cat, enjoys drinking from the pond. Dragonflies and birds are attracted to it as well.

This morning when I was out in the gardens, a turkey flew by me. He (or she) had been in the gardens but I didn't see where he came from. I'm guessing he was at the pond or under the birdfeeder.  That was the first time I've seen a turkey in the yard. Deer, opossums, birds, garter snakes, ground hogs, raccoons, cats - yes -even fox but never before a turkey.

 An unusual daffodil

 Many tulips have begun to bloom and many will be blooming in the coming days and weeks.

 Tortie framed by tulips

 I adore tulips!

 I planted a few hundred grape hyacinth last fall. These are the first to bloom.

 Red-veined sorrel - so pretty - and EDIBLE too. It's a perennial.

 The creeping phlox is putting on a show now too.


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