Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A walk in the garden

Spring has definitely arrived, although the possibility of cold, even frost, still exists. Therefore, no annuals purchased or planted yet here, although the self-sowing annuals are up and I've planted some seeds as well.

This morning I took a walk with the camera and here's some of what I saw.

 Our redbud tree in the front yard

 Another pretty tree is the flowering crabapple in back ('Prairie Fire')

 Lilacs in back, adjacent to the "hosta farm."

 Tortie put on a little show for me, climbing the lilac while I was out taking pictures.

 An old-fashioned lilac that I dug a sprout of from my neighbors years ago.

 Lilac 'Sensation'

 I'm glad to say that the fairies have arrived.

 This fairy garden is new this year.

 My "old" fairy garden, with the house built on a stump. Do you see the little birdhouse in the tree on the upper left?

 Tiarella 'Spring Symphony' is looking pretty.

Virginia Bluebells are just beginning to bloom. They have multiplied rapidly and I have some to dig and share if you are in the area.

The secret to success with Virginia bluebells is soil like the forest floor. They appreciate leaf mold, and humusy, moist soil.

 Epimedium 'Rubrum'

 Primula Sieboldii is about to bloom.

The tulips are still blooming, and I have a many pretty daffodils in bloom as well.

I enjoyed my garden walk, and hope you did too. Have a good week!


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