Our own little babbling brook, looking better as plants begin to come up around it. There is a lot of planting I need to do around the stream and pond. Many plants were removed last year for the creation of the waterfall, stream, pond, courtyard and pergola. Some that were relocated will come back; others will stay where they are now. I would like this area to be very colorful and thus will be adding zinnias and coreopsis and daisies.
Love the sound of the trickling water. Last night we left our bedroom window open and we could hear it. Very peaceful.
Tortie, the outside cat, enjoys drinking from the pond. Dragonflies and birds are attracted to it as well.
This morning when I was out in the gardens, a turkey flew by me. He (or she) had been in the gardens but I didn't see where he came from. I'm guessing he was at the pond or under the birdfeeder. That was the first time I've seen a turkey in the yard. Deer, opossums, birds, garter snakes, ground hogs, raccoons, cats - yes -even fox but never before a turkey.
An unusual daffodil
Many tulips have begun to bloom and many will be blooming in the coming days and weeks.
Tortie framed by tulips
I adore tulips!
I planted a few hundred grape hyacinth last fall. These are the first to bloom.
Red-veined sorrel - so pretty - and EDIBLE too. It's a perennial.
The creeping phlox is putting on a show now too.