On the road between Loveland and Estes Park, this is Big Thompson Canyon.
The view from our balcony at The Woodlands on Fall River
Another view from the balcony of our suite
Home away from home, The Woodlands on Fall River. We love this place - we've stayed there three times so far.
This is Fall River. It runs right in front of our home away from home.
Hiking in Hidden Valley - we were on our way to Trail Ridge Road, the Alpine Visitor Center, and then Grand Lake.
A view from Trail Ridge Road
Boulder fields in the sub-alpine tundra
Above the tree line
This is Grand Lake, the largest natural lake in Colorado. Grand Lake is the name of the town as well as the lake. You get there by driving across Trail Ridge Road from Estes Park.
This photo was taken the day before Labor Day - I fondly call it "Summer's Last Hurrah."
There are so many dogs in Grand Lake, as well as in Estes. This lucky Golden Retriever seems to be enjoying the boat ride.
Another day, 9 miles of hiking, and another few lakes! This is beautiful Nymph Lake.
We walked from the Bear Lake Trailhead to Nymph Lake, Dream Lake, Emerald Lake, and Lake Haiyaha; then, later we headed toward Alberta Falls. However, due to rain, we turned back.
This is Dream Lake.
I don't remember which lake this is! But it is a lovely view.
Along the trail, beauty abounds.
A boulder field on the way to Lake Haiyaha
Lake Haiyaha
The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, the place where a bear jimmied open the door one night, and went in and out 7 times in 15 minutes, eating candy and cookies. See the news story and video from the store here.
Since this is my contribution to Fertilizer Friday, I'd like to add a couple of photos of beautiful flowers I saw in charming downtown Estes Park.
To visit my post about the elk in Estes Park (I promise GREAT photos are there), click here.