Sunday, May 25, 2014

They're blooming!

The garden is beginning to fill with blooms - and not just dandelion blooms, either.  lol

Take a little tour with me to see the flowers today.

 A pretty purple and white iris in the border garden

 Lily of the Valley, delicate and fragrant

 My favorite petunias, Supertunia 'Vista Bubblegum,' are spread in many containers throughout the gardens.

 Geranium 'Max Frei' has bushed out greatly over the past two years.

 Sedum looks great growing over rocks,especially when it's blooming.

 This is Yellow Archangel, which I just read is invasive. I'll need to keep an eye on it.

 Clematis 'Claire de Lune'

The alliums are just beginning to open up.

 Last but not least, I spotted a different type of oriole at my feeder. I looked in my bird book and I believe this is an Orchard oriole. They are known to summer in our area, although I've not noticed them before.

And here is the Baltimore oriole, for comparison purposes.

What's nesting and/or growing in your garden?


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