It is a perfect day to sit down with a warm cuppa!
Do you like green tea? I must admit it's not my favorite, but there are some flavored green teas I like, and it's so healthy.
I like Candy Cane Lane from Bigelow. It tastes very minty and yummy. If you haven't tried it, you can purchase it at Celestial Seasonings website.
Another favorite green is a Jasmine tea - green tea with Jasmine flavor - from Harney and Sons.
Tea and cookies are a winning combination in my book!
I'm beginning to think about Christmas, although I hold off on decorating until the day after Thanksgiving. The Christmas photos are from Decembers past.
A little Christmas candy - white almond bark melted with crushed candy canes added
My big tree - I'll miss this one. It got rather decrepit and we put it on the curb after last Christmas.
I enjoy decorating with poinsettias on my tree. Do you like colored lights or white lights better?
A gift from my blogging friend Judith from Lavender Cottage
3 Decembers ago, this pretty little doe visited our garden. We haven't seen deer in our yard for some time now. I miss seeing them; they are beautiful animals; however, they can be destructive in the garden - AND to vehicles! We hit a deer 3 weeks ago on a country road after dark. :(
On November 11, 2013 we had a snowstorm. We also got snow on November 11, 2014 but it was minimal - less than 0.5".
Snow can create beauty, but I'll gladly wait. (pic from 2013)
In the meantime, I need another cup of tea.