The garden shed sits down toward the fencerow. We put shutters on the window and will put a window box of flowers below the window as soon as it's warm enough for our annuals to go out. The old green wheelbarrow is full of soil, and it also will be planted with annuals soon.
Here's a front view of the shed. The entry ramp is made of wood.
I opened the door to give you a peek. Next, a more detailed look at how we use our garden shed.
A ladder, watering cans, and birdhouses - making the most use of the space available
Our tiller, and a snowblower - put away for a long time, I hope!
A workbench, mainly used to hold items
A wall of tools
Hoses, rose cones, and a spreader
A bag of extra pine needles, which I have now removed from the shed and spread in the garden
A stack of buckets, tomato cages, and a dolly with two plastic bins on it
One of the plastic bins is full of leaves. Why? Well, as a composter I have few carbon sources over the summer, so I've saved some.
Speaking of compost, I've been turning it and am pleased to see it's decomposing well.
The creeping phlox are just beginning to bloom. One thing I like about spring is that every day holds possible surprises in the garden. Another good surprise for me: the epimedium I thought perished over the hot and dry summer of 2012 is coming up.
I hope you enjoyed peeking inside my garden shed. It's an invaluable asset to this gardener!