Thursday, May 30, 2013

Flying Frog Farms, where hostas rule

Recently we went hosta shopping at Flying Frog Farms. There are 1000 hostas, plus other shade plants, plus   gifts. What a fun place to shop! Come see!

 'Hanky Panky'

 'Brunnera Variegata'

 Fairies and gnomes live amongst the hostas!

 The gift shop

I bought this Jack in the pulpit. The owner told me it came up in the middle of one of her hostas! She said they have many of these growing in their timber, and when they brought in some soil from the timber they must have transported the bulb from this Jack in the pulpit.

We enjoyed our trip to Flying Frog Farms, and came home with several hostas, my Jack in the pulpit, and a heucherella.

Linking to Fertilizer Friday and Open House


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