I had the same problem last summer; however, it was late August, not late July/early August when the coneflowers turned brown...
,,,and my gardens seemed to contain way too much yellow, primarily rudbeckia.
I like rudbeckia; but the color seems, well, unbalanced, when there is so much in my gardens.
'Goldsturm' is a perennial rudbeckia that is a vigorous grower.
A tall perennial rudbeckia
One of the Indian Summer cultivars - an annual that self-seeds
I wanted to add some pinks and purples that would bloom in late summer. It's part of my succession blooming plan - always something blooming, beginning in early spring and continuing until frost. I've always had lots of bloomers from March/April through late August (late July this year, since we had an early spring and are contending with the worst drought since 1936). My late summer bloomers were (and are) my rudbeckias.. Back to the purpose of this post: to show you the phlox I purchased recently to incorporate into my gardens.
Keep in mind I purchased these in 4" pots - they are little! However, they will grow to heights from 24-48" over time.
By the way, I got these on sale for just $1.75 each! Check out your favorite nurseries for good deals this time of year!
'Miss Candy'
'Bright Eyes'
Ok, I know he isn't pink, but I bought him for my all white garden. More about that in a future post.
Also blooming (ok, I lied when I said I only had rudbeckia, but it sure seems that way.)
'Carefree Beauty'
Star of Bethlehem
A mixed floral bouquet in the cottage garden
Jewels of Opar - are you familiar with this heirloom?
Garden yellows

It's a good problem to have.
"Gardening is cheaper than therapy, and you get tomatoes." ~Author unknown
Linking to Bloomin' Tuesday, Garden Tuesday, Tuesday Garden Party, Mosaic Monday