Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pinks and purples in the June garden

 I love my rain lilies, also known as fairy lilies.

 Larkspur in drifts in the cottage garden

 Purple and red look great together!

 I still have a few lupins blooming.

Petunias doing well in the old wheelbarrow


I love my pinks and purples in the garden!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

If you build it, they will come

 The cottage garden is getting more colorful every day.

 A stand of lavender nearing full bloom

 Cherry Bells campanula

 Larkspur and beebalm

 'Arabian Knight' martagon lily

 Larkspur is self-seeded throughout the gardens. I really like the pop of color it adds.

 The lamb's ear is blooming.


 Color, color, everywhere you turn!

 Full of blooms: Clematis 'Jackmanii'

 Hydrangea 'Incrediball' has an incredible number of blooms this summer.


Last year we were harvesting blackberries by July 4th. This year, they'll be later.

 I changed out the flowers in the containers by the front door. Previously they held pansies - too hot now for pansies to thrive, so I replaced them with calibrachoa, petunias, and verbena.

 The rose garden is still looking beautiful.

 The Camelot series foxglove self-seeded.

 We built the garden and within it are places for animals to nest, rest, raise their young...many things to eat, and availability of water. If you build it, they will come...

THIS is NOT the wildlife I envisioned and welcomed. EEK!!!
Garter snake - not venomous but still really creepy!!!

Linking to Open House and Fertilizer Friday

Monday, June 24, 2013

13th Annual Master Gardener Tour

Recently we volunteered at the Polk County Master Gardeners tour of gardens. There were 8 private and 1 public garden on the tour. I'd like to share a few highlights from each garden.

Sue's Garden:

 Artful design, prominent shady areas, and many orchids characterized Sue's garden.

 Sue had two fabulous fairy gardens on her deck.

Karen's garden:

 Karen's back yard features an inground pool backed by a terraced hillside filled with clematis, roses, and larkspur, to mention a few of her bloomers.

 'Roguchi' is now on my wish list - I adore this clematis.

Ruth's garden:

 Mountain laurel

 A stunning container, followed by a stunning tree...

 Tricolor beech

Melissa's garden:

Melissa built a berm and it's filled with succulents and cacti.

 She has containers of succulents as well.

 Melissa's rain barrels are open, and they sport water flowers as well as a piece of curly willow being rooted.

I adore her dry stream bed. So picturesque!

Neil and Laurie's garden:

 A hillside garden complete with border beds, many conifers, and a meandering stream and pond.

 'Taylor's Sunburst'

 The large water feature begins with a stream at the top of the hill that culminates in a large pond just off the home's deck.

 A water lily in the pond

Carolyn's garden:

 Foxglove in a cottage garden setting

 Roses and clematis 'Princess Diana' on an arbor

Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud' - I have this one too, and I absolutely love it.

Cheryl's garden:

 Lush and full, love the pink roses

 The potting shed

Heather's garden:

 Heather's garden is on an acreage with a wooded ravine. She and her husband have built trails down the ravine.

 In tribute to their Australian heritage, an aboriginal resting place built by Heather's husband.

 The high place

Well designed beds rimmed by rocks are part of the transition area between lawn and woods.

I'll close with two shots of the Demonstration Garden, a Master Gardener project garden.

I am linking to Bloomin' Tuesday


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