I have a very nice potting bench on my patio.

Those "rafters" you see - it's the bottom of the deck. We have a walk out basement, and the patio where the potting bench resides is just outside the basement door. The deck is off the main level of the house.

Watermelon watering can art was done by a coworker of Ron's.

I brought my tea tray outside and placed it on the potting bench.

Do you recognize the teacup? It's the china that inspired the name of a cottage - that is, Sandi's cottage (and her blog name as well). It's Rose Chintz by Johnson Brothers.

The saucer. I apologize for the glare - there was sunshine outside when I was taking my photographs.

I picked some Black-eyed Susans too. My gardening hat, pretty posies, and lovely floral teacups - this scene cries out "Summer!"

"Remember the tea kettle - it is always up to its neck in hot water, yet it still sings!" ~Author Unknown
Linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Tea Time Tuesday and Tea in the garden