A stand of lavender nearing full bloom
Cherry Bells campanula
Larkspur and beebalm
'Arabian Knight' martagon lily
Larkspur is self-seeded throughout the gardens. I really like the pop of color it adds.
The lamb's ear is blooming.
Color, color, everywhere you turn!
Full of blooms: Clematis 'Jackmanii'
Hydrangea 'Incrediball' has an incredible number of blooms this summer.
Last year we were harvesting blackberries by July 4th. This year, they'll be later.
I changed out the flowers in the containers by the front door. Previously they held pansies - too hot now for pansies to thrive, so I replaced them with calibrachoa, petunias, and verbena.
The rose garden is still looking beautiful.
The Camelot series foxglove self-seeded.
We built the garden and within it are places for animals to nest, rest, raise their young...many things to eat, and availability of water. If you build it, they will come...
THIS is NOT the wildlife I envisioned and welcomed. EEK!!!
Garter snake - not venomous but still really creepy!!!
Linking to Open House and Fertilizer Friday