I'm thinking GARDEN today.
I'm thinking SUMMER today.
I originally posted this in the cold WHITE wintertime; I ran across it today while looking for another post and thought the photos are worth another look. Enjoy!
Also I want to let you know that since Google Reader is going away, my reader will be Feedly.com. I was able to transfer over all of the blogs I follow in Reader - very simple. I know some of you are using Bloglovin' - I just wanted to let you know there is an alternative and that I can and will still find and enjoy reading your posts.

There's a lot of beauty in an old wooden fence with phlox and echinacea in front of it. Purple coneflowers are an absolute favorite with me, and I have many in my garden.

Cleome is a stunning annual that self-seeds freely. Do you see the Virginia bluebells hiding behind the cleome?

More coneflowers

Thinking pink and orange and yellow...

I'm thinking PINK today!
Linking up to Bloomin' Tuesday
Remember, if you need a "reader" now that Google Reader is going away, you can check out Feedly.com
Thanks for visiting,