Welcome to a review of some favorite images about the goins' on in my world in 2013. Here's part I, which encompasses the first half of the year.
A primula (primrose) in the garden showing some green
Lamium 'White Nancy' was also still green in January
A trip to a warm place, the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden
A Valentine Tea
After her first grooming
Relaxing on the couch: Josey and Gracie
First blooms: Snowdrops
A bluebird in the yard - they checked things out here, but unfortunately they didn't nest in our yard.
Flowers blooming in earnest: here, a daffodil
Such pretty tulips
Our "hosta farm" - notice the horses (not ours) in the pasture behind us
If you look closely, you can see a tiny Japanese maple in the center foreground, as well as the composter built by my husband and our garden shed.
Creeping phlox and a lonely tulip
Trip to a tea room (Shay's in Newton, Iowa)
I'm on the left and my friend Rita is on the right.
Majestic color: larkspur, clematis, beebalm, yucca, fairy roses
Clematis 'Piilu'
An oriental poppy
A favorite flower, lupine
As you can see, I am all about gardening. Because there is so much to show, I'm going to continue my year in review in a second installment. I hope you have enjoyed these images. Seeing them again has brought me much joy, particularly on this 10 degree day in cold, snowy Iowa!