A very colorful corner at Sunsplash Gardens (in the rocky garden area)
The purple beautyberry (callicarpa) and burning bush
Two of my four blueberry bushes - several different cultivars* - are turning color
*When I investigated the planting of blueberries, I read that one should plant more than one variety to enhance fruiting. Unfortunately, I didn't write down the cultivar names.
My blueberries have performed very well. And they are lovely come fall!
A few mums and a faux jack-o-lantern
My two pots of Supertunia 'Vista Bubblegum' on the deck have done well. They get lots of sun there.
The roses continue to bloom - I believe this pretty one is Buck Rose 'Griff's Red.'
A garden visitor (Praying Mantis). I find these creatures fascinating!
Geranium 'Rozanne' is still full of bloom.
Love the beautyberry!
And, just in case you're wondering about the project - the pergola is done, courtyard is in progress, and if you look closely you can see a trench and a hole here - it will be a stream with a waterfall and pond. This is work day 12 on the Big Transition. And quite a transition it is! We're loving it, and looking forward to completion, possibly (probably) this week.
Enjoy your week!