Also in my July/August garden are Stargazers. I love their beauty and fragrance.
A sunflower volunteered underneath the birdfeeder.
Heuchera 'Lipstick' in the rocky garden. I saw this heuchera on a blog and was inspired to add it to my garden. Love those bright red flowers!
Would you believe the pansies are still blooming? We had a prolonged heat wave but they kept blooming. Now they are enjoying a week (thus far) of cooler temperatures.
A bucket of beauty, after live-heading the hemerocallis
The pollinators are out in full force in my garden.
I was quite delighted to find three Black Swallowtail caterpillars on the parsley.
A monarch caterpillar on a milkweed plant.
It's great to have butterfly larvae in my garden again. I love watching them grow and change. Their presence also validates the fact that I'm doing something right!
Linking to Home and Garden Thursday and Fertilizer Friday